Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Our 9th Wedding Anniversary

Today's blip is taken from my husbands status on Facebook......

9 years.

That's a long time.

9 years ago today I married my true love and best friend, Jacqueline Dixon. I remember it like it was yesterday. Our wedding took a lot of organising and cost us a lot of money, but it was worth every penny and every second of it. What a day! We really went all out and everybody present thoroughly enjoyed our day, and still reminisce about it now.

I was nervous on the morning - what bloke isn't? The concept of committing to one person for the rest of your life is a daunting one!!

But you know what, the scariest thought I can think of now is being without her. She is my whole world. An amazing wife, a spectacular Mother to my beautiful kids, and she is still my best mate too. We have our ups and downs - we are human after all - and we struggle through the hard times. But we are strong. Together we can achieve anything, and beat any odds. I'm proud to say that true love and forever love do still exist in our lives. I'm not saying it's easy, but it's 100% worth the effort.

Is 9 years a long time?

No - it's just the beginning.

Love you JD ;o) xxxxxx

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