Indoor garden gifts

Winter Blooms

potted in pebbles
moist, showered
with winter light, 
paperwhite bulbs
take root, sprouting
slender buds
that burst and bloom 
into fragrant winter gifts

My brother made up these paperwhite narcissus gift jars. Clark and my sister-in-law gave them out at their family  gathering before Christmas. We each got one, both have been in the same location, one is bursting forth today and the other yet to set down roots. My grandmother and my mother forced narcissus bulbs every season and Clark and I still carry on the tradition.

For the Record,
This day came in very cold with a forecast of light snow by tomorrow morning. I had a Garden Club Board meeting this morning less than a mile down the street and decided to walk. It was cold, but I was bundled up and very happy to be outside. The walk home was just as satisfying and the traffic light. It's often difficult to walk in the neighborhood, the road shoulders are narrow and there are no sidewalks. Our street was once a sleepy rural road. That's not the case now, it's a cut through road since the train lines were revived, noisy, busy with truck and car traffic. My parents walked each morning for years, they would be horrified to see the change now, one often has to be very careful. It was quiet this morning and very enjoyable.

All hands improving.

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