On the naming of terraces
I just can't decide between the Winter Sun Terrace and the Honeysuckle Terrace. At times like this I find myself wondering: what would Lynda Snell do?
Back in real life, it was very uplifting to see the sun this afternoon, especially having just spent a few hours (successfully, in the end) connecting the new fish-cam to TallGirl's phone instead of mine. Turns out her polices were oversized (and I learned a new use of the word 'police' in French). Later it turned out that giving TallGirl power over a camera in the living room was unwise as it can rotate allowing her to watch me (from her bedroom) on the sofa trying to resist nicking the kids' sweeties.
There was also much school work trying to sort out a tricky problem (not of my making) before I hand over the reins, and later a meeting with the next crazy fool to take on the job, to do December's bills.
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