Brick Factory

Friday 6th January 2017 (1595)

It is Epiphany so I should be photographing the Wise Men but it's not every day you get to go inside a brick factory! 

In my first church I had someone who owned her own building company and she donated twelve bricks to create a prayer corner and I also used them at All Souls and such events on the altar to hold candles, which made a lovely effect. 

When I moved to Skelmersdale I asked the local brick factory to donate some and used them for the same reason. See here.

I have missed my bricks in the last three years. Now we need some for our ecumenical service in January so I decided it was time to ask the factory if they would care to donate some for this parish. They gladly agreed and I went to collect them today ... and got a quick look inside the factory. These bricks  have just come out of the kiln, the grey ones in the middle are waiting to go in and the ones far right are cool and ready to be packed. Five days from quarry to packaging. Hope the packing machine doesn't complain about now being 12 bricks short! Thankyou Ibstock! 

I seem to be leaving a trail of bricks in my churches, quite appropriate for an ex Quantity Surveyor! 

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