Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Safe in my arms ..

Since Buffy was diagnosed and almost dropped dead from the pancreatitis attack she had back in October she's been very delicate ... only certain foods allowed .. NO sneaky treats from visitors .. NO regular dog treats .. I make low fat meals for her and also read every label of ready made things she can have ... some days she won't come out for a walk at all but today she followed me and the two other pooches to the car so off we went.. she did about 100metres and then I carried her the rest of the way as I think it was a bit much for her after all .. I don't mind carrying her as she's only 6KG now... I'm contemplating tying a big scarf around my neck and carrying her in a sling .. I think she would like that just for the fresh air ......
any other ideas ? For Buffy .. not me .. I'm already perfect .

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