Silly Secondhand Book

This is my contribution for Silly Saturday challenge. Thanks to Admirer for kindly being the host.

In my teens i began my passion for scouring secondhand bookshops. There was a wonderful shop in Hackney, where i could be found every Saturday . I may have bought the book in my blip there. It was published in 1955 by the Cresset Press, London. It is called Modern Types and is a compilation of satirical articles that appeared in Punch, written by Geoffrey Gorer, and illustrated by Ronald Searle.  Searles caricatures are very amusing. I haven't read this book for many years, so i think i shall be dipping into it again.

I have kept a lot of these secondhand books in spite of house moves when so much gets taken to the charity shops and the tip. Thank goodness there seems to be  a resurgence of bookshops in spite of online purchasing and  downloads.

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