Snow?!? Us?

Well winter has arrived here in the southeast U.S. (for the weekend anyway) but reports of possible *snow* have many in total panic mode.
The county has mentioned going into a possible 'State of Emergency' and already delayed school openings for Monday. Wow!

So here is a screen cap showing my friend Ed the TV weather guy delivering the frightful forecast. Yikes! 
Are we in line for a potential dusting?! 
Turns out no, we are located in Murrells Inlet so we are juuuust outside of the dangerous dusting zone and will apparently be spared the coming snowpocylipse.
So hopefully we will survive.
Of course we will be right back to seasonable warmth by mid week, but in truth it may have been fun to see more then the 3 or 4 flakes I thought I saw fall earlier this morning. :-)

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