
Not me - just the man at the crossing.

I had a lovely lunch out celebrating the 60th birthdays of two friends that go back a long way to my first teaching job. There were nine of us teachers, some with their husbands or wives, who had all managed to get together - It's so lovely that we have remained friends and in touch all these years!

Later, I needed to pop into town and thought I'd have a go at some light trails. My experience of such is limited to say the least. So my blip is another break from the norm for me. I don't think I've ever set up a tripod for this purpose before today. Well, I had a great time adjusting settings and positions and got quite a bit of practice of the vehicles rounding a corner but it was this one with it's straight blue and red lines and the silhouette of the bench (with a broken glass on top!!!) that I really liked. I'll have another go at curvy lines another time :)

This is the same spot as this blip that I posted in early December. That was also a night shot but the end result is so very different!

Thank you so much for everything for yesterday's unconventional Flower Friday blip -  most kind!

Have a lovely evening!

Ann :))

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