Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The final fling

Farewell drinks for The Dizzle in The Rumpus Room at the Mondrian on the South Bank tonight. Took this shot 'round the back behind the Oxo Tower, Love it, perspex light sculptures.

The Rumpus Room is a typically expensive Thameside hotel bar with fantastic views and a great vibe. Doesn't feel exclusive and the staff are lovely. The DJ was playing some great music as well but it was not intrusive. Really recommended if your credit card balance is up to it - reserve a table and seats where you can easily get out onto the terrace on a warm evening. There is an extra of another group doing selfies - made me laugh, felt like a good reflection on the "selfie society", particularly the onlooking bouncer.

Todays other achievements were getting my hair cut, watching three more episodes of Game of Thrones (including - spoiler alert - the famous Battle of the Bastards), and shopping.

On the matter of shopping - our local Morrisons is now selling yoga mats. What's the world coming to?

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