Rowing club house

The development of our club house is making good progress. It started this December and phase 1 shall be finished by April (2017!). The goal is to add changing rooms, cold water and toilets to the pure boat hall we had so far. Some preparation for the coming phases 2-4, too (e.g. adding insulation). All members have to work 2 Saturdays during these months. Of course to save money, but also to support the team spirit within the club.

We studied the weather forecast for the day and had a queasy feeling. Minus 12 degrees the night, and all day in the minus. Therefore all of us warmly dressed and lots of warm drinks. Finally it was not that tough as we feared and amazing how quickly the hours passed with a good mood.

Also for office workers a good experience to see at the end of the day what 'physically' has been achieved.

(*) oops, some confusion with the blip entry dates. This collage should have been entered on Saturday.

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