Over Yonder

By Stoffel

The Best Medicine

My Dear Fellow,

You will be glad to hear that Er Indoors is much better. In fact, she has bounced back much quicker than I have and we are now pretty much neck-and-neck in the recovery stakes.

Up to now we've been living on ice blocks pictured above. And I apologise in advance if I've put the "Secret Lemonade Drinker" song in your head. I've been humming it to myself since Friday.

As of 10 minutes ago we supplemented this with Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, which cures everything. Colds, flu, stomach bugs - I think if you gave yourself a serious cut you could just pour a tin of tomato soup over it and it would miraculously heal.

So things are slowly returning to normal. We're both still tired and our stomachs feel bruised but hopefully I'll be able to get back to work tomorrow and just press "restart" on 2017.

El P.

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