Austrian Stuff #5

I didn't feel like cooking today so we went to a local pizza and Greek restaurant for Sunday lunch. Afterwards we went to the council's winter services depot to photograph the salt silos.The Austrians are very organised regarding winter and jump into action when the first snows, frost or freezing temperatures arrive. These wooden silos hold salt for strewing on the main roads and highways whenever it is 3 degrees or below which is the temperature for black ice to form. The service trucks fill up with the salt from these silos and you will see them often by major highways.  The wooden building on the left houses the salt to go into the silos - you can see by Hubby's presence in the second extra how huge the pile is. The building on the right houses the grit which they put on the minor roads or leave by the small roads that are not plowed. 
The third extra is explaining to the man driving the tractor why we were there. I don't think he explained about Blip - only that I was from Australia where we don't have these things. 

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