Getting Down and Dirty!

Woke up to torrential rain so had a banana and a coffee and scuttled round the corner for the first Zumba session of the new year.
Still raining when l came out and decide to postpone my walk until later.
My P had just finished some plastering DIY and announced he was going to the gym.
Made the quick decision to have a lift in the car with him and then walked the four miles from the gym back home.
Was raining hard all the way but didn't feel cold.
Had my eyes peeled for a low view to meet the Mono Monday challenge but it was too wet.
Arriving back at the village the rain suddenly stopped and then l saw this tree stump near the village water feature and as l was wet and dirty thought l wouldn't have much to lose by getting down and laying on the ground to get a frog's eye view of the fungi.
Home now to homemade soup and a bath, bliss.
Thank you to Marlieske for hosting MM.

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