Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Wildlife conflict.

A large number (3,000+) of grey seals haul out on the beach at the northern side the mouth of the Ythan estuary, part of the Sands of Forvie National Nature Reserve. They attract a lot (by our standards) of visitors and bring much pleasure to them. Unfortunately there is also a degree of conflict in that walkers who get too close to the seals cause mass panic in the ranks with the result that the seals flee into the water. This can happen several times per tidal cycle and is a major problem.
The walkers in the photograph were acting responsibly, their dog was on a lead and they kept to the top of the beach, well back from the seals; nevertheless the seals were seriously disturbed and stampeded. Other walkers are much less considerate, approaching the seals closely to get a close-up photograph while others seem to take great pleasure in causing a mass stampede. And then there is the problem of people flying drones over the haul-out. 
Wildlife conservation is a complex business.

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