Grainy, emergency dog blip.  
Here is a sleepy Alfred.  On my days off Alfred has taken to slinking upstairs at 6:30 in the morning, after his morning meal and walk, and hiding in a corner, curled up asleep until I go and get him at about 12:30 pm for his midday walk. He'd stay there another few hours if I didn't get him down.  His latest favourite place is an old beanbag in the furthest corner of the room, surrounded by stacks of old books and partially covered by a table.  I am a bit worried about him actually.  He has really become a bit of a recluse around the flat and more often than not makes himself scarce when we're around.  He doesn't notice when we are getting his evening meal ready and often has to be called down for it - from the beanbag again - when otherwise he'd have been there in the kitchen ten minutes in advance, begging.  He is only eleven and a half. Not ancient.  But he does seem to have less sharp hearing and vision, and isn't as 'alert' as he was.  He still gulps down his food, and chases his ball, but he's slower and doesn't play for as long. Sweet old Alfred, I hope he's content...

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