
I left work at 7am and zoomed home to my pack. We took the dogs up the hill before Gorgeous went to work and I went horsing.

Willie went out in the exercise cart and we found ourselves in Stromness just as the ferry had unloaded all it's cars and lorries. It was briefly a bit Piccadilly Circus! We then had Djego out leading Nettie and me on Ruby - We took a slightly extended route, showing Nettie and Ruby something new. Both were very chilled out and didn't bat an eyelid at passing traffic...Although a lone sheep in a field did give Ruby the heebie jeebies. *sigh*

I returned home to find that PW had walked the dogs already and was chomping at the bit to get out on bikes again. We set off and managed 7.5 miles which had no flat, just hills. I'm still peddling through treacle with sticky brakes. Very frustrating, especially with added head wind. I swore some. :-/  


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