Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Snapped from the car

This is an area where the Thrushes have been eating all the berries at the roadside  but it looks like the cupboard is bare now and they have moved on.

The photo was snapped from the car after a visit to the Dentist -  broken tooth - temporary filling - more work later in the week :-(

Dad then lost crowned tooth (he never said anything I just found it on the table) so I will be taking him to the same Dentist tomorrow :-( 

Sister also to the same Dentist for Health Check in the afternoon.

We will be asking for family rates soon.

Enjoying Mark Williams as Father Brown on BBC1 early afternoons - better than most evenings entertainment.

Watched Coronation Street (because Mum does)  - dreadful!

Beethoven Symphony Number 1 before bedtime.

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