Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry


Not the best picture, but Henry loves kissing at the moment. Not usually me or Neil, but Elmo, the megabloks and his bath toys are getting a lot of kisses at the moment! They're very wet and sloppy but I love them.

Today was great - 2 good naps and a trip to the farm with Luke, Kerry and their little girl Evelyn. Once we'd said hello to the animals we went for lunch and Henry destroyed a cheese sandwich (mainly by pulling it into bits but he ate some of it) while Evelyn was better behaved with her purée and carrot crisps.

We got caught in a thunderstorm and torrential rain on the way to tesco which wasn't quite so much fun, but apart from getting a bit wet it was ok.

Long day tomorrow - we're going to my cousins wedding in Surrey, so I've got all the packing to do now!

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