One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Boxing day

Roof-top messing fuelled by frighteningly large quantities of chocolate, jelly beans, crisps, sugary drinks and other assorted crap associated with a truly successful Christmas.
Little did I know that this dangerous yet joyful scene would be the prelude to a mother-of-all-tantrums on the peer, in full view of all the Stephen Day (patron saint of boxers) walkers who all looked totally flabbersgated at how little control Mrs Raheny and I have over our 2 year old.
But I couldn't really throw Mimi into the harbour, could I? No matter how tempting it became at one stage.
It looks like the penny has finally dropped and she is now fully aware that this little brother of hers is here to stay.
A little brother isn't just for Christmas.
This seems to piss her off no end...

OK, I'm off to do some boxing now. After all this stress it will do me some good.

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