1,825 Blips!

What a fabulous place Blip is! When I started this journal I never dreamed that I would still be blipping 5 years later ..... never having missed a day! I've backblipped quite a few .... but no gaps!

I originally joined so that I would have a reason to pick up my camera each day ...... instead of once in a blue moon. At the time Hubby was ill & I needed something to help me cope .......well Blip has certainly done that & more ..... it is a wonderful community full of wonderful people :-)

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all Blippers who visit my journal ..... I love reading your comments ....... a special Thank You to all of you who have stuck with me for a long time & given me support when I needed it ...... I really do appreciate this :-)

A final THANK YOU must go to The Fab Four ..... without whom Blip would no longer be here ...... we really do appreciate all the effort you are putting in on our behalf :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

(For those interested: These are little erasers in the shape of emoticons that we got for our Granddaughter)

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