
This projectile tree is what the numpties in our Council gave the village! Firstly it wasn't plonked erected!(!) until Christmas was almost upon us. Secondly some pen pushing airhead council employee decided that rather than use the Council's own in house slaves employees which have been erecting Christmas trees since donkeys appeared in cribs,  they decide to line someone's pocket sub-contract the procedure to a company based not in Argyll but in Glasgow!!! Thus some obscure bunch of chancers tree erectors did a 150 mile round trip to plonk erect this specimen .  Not only was it thrown erected at a squint but the lights were chucked thrown over it in such a manner that a rodeo cowboy would have been disgusted! There was a whole area that had a big hole in it and branches were sticking out like Gourock.. After a strong wind (council speak for a breeze) almost launched it into Tarbert, the said Glasgow eejits experts returned to try to make it look less like a Trident missile.
It did survive the festive period  with the help of some tree Viagra and now it's misery is about to get worse! For today the aforementioned rejects tree erectors from Glasgow returned to take it away. From the above lorry tracks you can see that the low loader driver had been blissfully unaware of the foot of water that now resides in the grass and got bogged down and after re arranging the grass decided that plan B was to be enacted!  Unfortunately due to my decision to clean the bloody kitchen I was unable to wait to observe round 2 with the recalcitrant projectile tree
Who in their right mind in this stupid council decided that contracting a bunch of townies   unused to Argyll's inclement weather vagrancies to try to stick erect a tree  here! We all know that the only problem the average Glasgow Christmas tree would face would be from the occasional  Iron Bru fuelled Weegie and most trees there are protected with electric fencing barricades . 
The only good to come out of this was the hilarity said unfortunate tree provided the good folks of Ardrishaig!

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