The Glen

This is the view down the glen as I walked back to our transport, known as the boogie bus which you can see across the ford. Often we will ford the river if we have a landrover but not today.

Well I retrieved all the cards from the camera stations and would have blipped one of the 200 images on the cards but I am having computer problems getting the images on the computer. This is especially true for one card from a camera which had become detached and was now lying upside down in the bog where it has been for several weeks. I blame the deer, see extra. I can view the thumbnails but cannot get the images to download so I will need to give it more time. The camera was dried out and seems to be working but the screen is a little fogged up so I am hoping it dries now it is back on it's post

From the thumbnails I have badgers, deer and foxes but nothing else so I am pretty sure no cats.

To try and make up for that I have added the resident stags to the extra. They were hanging about in the yard looking for apples, Hector and Hamish sometimes even put their faces inside the door when they get hungry. They are not the safest of friends but they do provide entertainment

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