My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Bathtime fun!

Baby L loves bathtime... just as much as she loves our swimming lessons.

Do you remember the present Father Christmas gave her? Here it is in action. She finds it hilarious, especially when the water goes near her face! The dolphin was another Christmas present - it whistles when the water and air go through it.

N has been back at work today. His school has no heating so he spent the whole day in his coat. Not sure what they're going to do when the children are back tomorrow.

I took Baby L to nursery on my own today and hated dropping her off. But, by all accounts, she had a pretty good morning. My mum collected her for the first time today and spent a nice afternoon with her.

We're all exhausted after, yet another, bad night. Please sleep tonight, Baby L!!

This time last year it was the night before we went in for induction and my blip went quiet for a few days!

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