Discovering the past.

When Dad was completing his National Service, he took quite a few pictures on a little camera, some time ago he scanned these into the computer and began to catalogue them. Today, when Mum and I were sorting through some of his things we came across a printout of the pictures and some notes that Dad had made. Also, we found an account of his time that he had written from when he was called up in 1947. I have started reading it and it is fascinating. Here is just one very brief extract:
"Someone blew up our water supply so each morning I went out with a water tanker to find a supply. Our favourite source was a water tower next to an orange grove. There was a little shepherd boy who would fill a it bag with oranges and grapefruit for 100 mil (about 10p). These were so much juicier than anything you get in the UK"

I am looking forward to reading it all and will then type it up and put with the pictures he took. 

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