
By Veronica

It's that lake again

Every time we visit S's mum I seem to end up taking photos while walking round the lake. So here's yet another one. The sky was pretty but it was hard to find things to put in front of it and I have rejected nearly all my photos. Must try harder tomorrow.

Family visits this week; we were at my mum's yesterday. Unfortunately she's not that well, but is being well looked after. S's mum has had medical issues recently too, but is on the mend now. And S made it three by deciding yesterday that his hand needed looking at by a doctor. The lady in the pharmacy in Nottingham said, "Oh, you can just go to the NHS walk-in centre." So this morning, fresh from an item on the news about the NHS being in a state of desperate crisis, we drove into town and arrived in front of a large, modern building where S was promptly logged on the system, asked to wait in a practically empty waiting room, triaged, seen by a doctor and back out with a prescription in barely more than half an hour. And it was all free, including the prescription.

Then we had a calm, efficient drive up to S's mum's with, for once, no traffic jams, no roadworks, no rain, and very little traffic. Perhaps it pays not to come over Christmas.

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