
...iPhone doesn't really do it justice. I was trying to catch the was framed between two tree tops, with the flag pole in the foreground and Old Viewforth* in the background...but not quite sure I've managed that.

Anyway...was a great sky tonight. Clear at points...sometimes a wee whiff of patchy cloud going across the moon. A multitude of different blues, blacks and greys and bright clear stars.

As I trekked home the plan was to go for a run and lay away the laundry...both were in doubt! Got in my running gear and headed out. Actually felt quite good and enjoyed it watching that sky as I traipsed around the streets.

Got back had a quick bite to eat, read to the boys and then laid that laundry away...a successful evening.

I'm grateful that I found the energy to get these tasks done.

*Old I typed this I wondered if it is just Viewforth now in that this building has seen off it's younger 1970's counterpart :-/

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