Slowly Learning That Life is OKay

This morning I had a near fatal disaster.

I headed downstairs to get a pill cause I had a wee headache. Beau Cat came in and as I headed upstairs she bounced along beside me. I crawled back into bed, to be followed by Beau who walked the length of me and onto my bedside cabinet.

From there, she cautiously stepped onto the pile of books I keep between the cabinet and the wall. And then started to cry. She likes to sit on the window ledge, but when we moved the furniture her main access point was removed.

Anyhoo, being the kind soul I am, I crawled from my bed again, and lifted from her the books and stuffed her under the curtains to let her do her thing. She bumbled around a bit, doing her usual, knocking things over, and cacacacking at bird. I must have drifted off, but then I woke with a start.

"Where has the cat gone", I squealed to Si? "What"??? He said.

"there's no noise, she always makes noise...either on the ledge, or the thud when she hits the floor".

And then it dawned on me.

I bounced out of bed and pulled back the blinds, and there was Beau, perched on the 1inch of window frame, with only her butt between her and the 20 ft drop to the floor.

I reached up and grabbed her scruff to prevent her falling off her perch.

Then I realised to my complete and utter horror that I was standing arms above my head, one hanging on to a suicidal cat, the other on to the blinds to clear my path - and I was displaying my naked bosums to the neighbourhood, all the whilst screaming "Bloody stupid cat, Simon, help me".

Oh dearie me. Oh dearie, dearie me.

But fear not. I have given you a blip of Tooli and Her mate L, who are having a Big Night Out Tonight, and not my bosums.

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