Row 2, Seat 2

To be honest, I raced to make it before the barriers came down, but the driver in front of me was more prudent.  My 'reward' was an almost front row seat as the bridge opened (or closed, depending on your point of view).  That's a giant crane floating by there.  Had it not been almost freezing, I would have ventured a little further, which I intend to do next time.  Good thing no class planned for today, so there was no risk of arriving late, and this little interruption didn't take long (some drivers didn't even turn off their engines), but there was enough to do at work.  I normally would have worked from home.  Besides, I'd already made an appointment with a student and there was a meeting in the afternoon I thought I'd attend.

A very foggy day.  On the brighter side, my cold is noticeably disappearing although my throat feels less cooperative.  It appears that several colleagues were also ill during the break.  Apparently, many of us simply chose to ignore the symptoms because there was so much work and we couldn't afford to just drop things.  (Footnote -- one decided to 'just leave' and work elsewhere, another is home with a burn-out.)  Many 'finally' conked out during the break.  Thankfully, Block 3 will be a short one, only four weeks, so many will have a bit more breathing space.  Not for some of us, though, including myself, because we teach multiple subjects.  I must admit that when the UWV (never mind what this is short for) cut off hubby's sickness allowance, I had to fill up the gap, with the expected consequences.  I am not pssd ff, I do not feel fckd up.  It has only become more exhausting.  Sometimes, I wish I didn't have too many goals in life.

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