'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

Fly away home...

... before the cold spell arrives.  I have no qualms in admitting to doing lots of snow dances and really hoping that tomorrow's Blip will a snow Blip!  I do keep checking the met office and it is look highly promising at the moment!  In fact I have being getting more and more excited since Sunday over the possibility of snow!  Will even try to freeze some as I have my 'pop up' family this weekend. :-)

Three beautiful things:
A scenic route from one school to another along the coastline - makes all the travelling between schools worthwhile!

A good long walk this afternoon before an appointment at Dartington.  There was no point in going home only to come back again. Loving my 10,000 steps challenge!

A chance to talk and be heard this evening without judgement.

One thing to be grateful for:
Being alive and well  - always brought home to you when you pass what has obviously been a very serious car crash, particularly as the Air Ambulance was on scene too.  

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