Obviously I make the cakes for the kids, particularly these ones which were rustled up in pretty short order when a pal of CarbBoy's arrived for an impromptu "definitely not a birthday party just a snack and some computer games" with a thoughtfully chosen birthday present. That, I felt, deserved more than the usual cookies.
Anyway, the kids are in bed, so this one's mine.
Long, but curiously relaxing, day. Made stressful by the realisation once the mixer was mixing the cookies, that TallGirl had eaten the eggs I was counting on to finish the recipe (and then by the shop's till system failing just as I was trying to pay for the eggs); and also that I have somehow run out of proper baking powder. European I may be, but I still don't trust French baking powder... (not to fear: supplies are arriving soon!)
As positive replies flood (dribble?) in to my Burns Night apéros invitation, it occurs to me that I may have overstated the case in promising a bunch of Scottish canapés... So, so far I can manage: haggis and neeps (haven't secured the latter yet, but am hopeful) on potato scones, smoked salmon on something, mackerel pâté on oatcakes, cranachan (probably), Tunnocks Teacakes (seriously, how am I going to not eat them all before the party?), Irn Bru and whisky ... What else do I need? (Seriously: the reputation of Scotland rests on this party so I need your best ideas, Scottish blipper folk.)
Oh, I'll do fudge/tablet as well. Obviously.
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