Big Head

Bought this years ago, but forgot to fit it before paying.  It appears that my head is a lot larger than I thought ... hahahaha!

Very busy and still no time to linger here (although I do leave hearts and stars whenever I get the chance).  Thanks for reading my blog once in a while.

My first ever first-year Project Management lessons today went very well, even better than I expected.  Hubby said he isn't surprised.  I am.  However, as I have noticed, the more you do it, the better you get.  Giving credit where it's due, the lovely Polish colleague who worked on this particular subject did a superb job in preparing everything for us -- the order of the lessons, what homework to give, reading material and videos and vimeos to augment the lectures.  One thing she does not have, though, but I do, is access to the Project Management MOOC material I ploughed through six weeks ago -- you can imagine how convenient it is for me to use this extra material during class, and what a relief it is not to have to strain my throat and voice explaining theory.  In short, what a waste of time it was to worry.

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