Shadowy Figure
Spent a chunk of today writing about how brilliant I am. Ah yes, performance review time.
Another chunk of the day was spent slogging into a ten mile headwind to get to the office, only to see the wind drop significantly by the time I was coming home and so lose the full benefit of the earlier efforts.
But the to-do list had slightly more ticks than remaining items by the end of the day; and first time brief off of 2017 has been sorted for the end of February.
Extra is the latest in my 'sketch a day' for 2017, inspired by a work conversation where someone's superhero name, according to her kids, was revealed to be List Lady. I'd have set up a Blip account, given it's all about the daily shot, but given it's more for photos I'll stick to FB for the minute. I've grand plans to improve over the year, and try to emulate the wonderful illustrations of a Norwegian artist called 'Bloom'. A way to go, but not necessarily impossible.
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