Blue Sky and Sea

Rather a blissful sort of day today, after a very damp start to the day, things brightened up and I was reminded that it still is summer! I gathered the last of the plums, leaving a few for the many butterflies that were feeding on the split ones.
The donkeys appreciated a bucket of windfall apples today when I walked to see them. The ponds were in full bloom, the blue flowers of adders tongue, the pale yellow lilies and the white water hawthorn. I sat on the rocks with my feet dangling in the water and watched dancing dragonflies and pond skaters, wondered if the latter skated in any particular formation?
I collected Rosie from work and went with the Heron Gallery crew to paddle in the sea, there was a fishing event on at the harbour, a competition to see who caught the biggest fish and the largest quantity. It was mostly mackerel and pollock and if I had had a bag I would have been bringing fish home for supper. The evening light was gorgeous as we drank our pints and watched the gulls waiting for some fish guts to be thrown for them. As if that wasn't enough for one day, we rounded the evening off with a spot of table tennis, life is good!!

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