Cumbria's top 50 trees

A few months ago, I was at Martindale, and was approached by a lady who wanted me to take her picture by a tree and send it to her. The reason was that she had nominated that tree as one of Cumbria's top 50 trees. Of course, I did so (and blipped her). As soon as I got home, I took a look at the website and started thinking; as a photographer, what tree in the Lake District sums up the area photographically, which is the most "photographic" tree.

For me - it simply had to be the Buttermere Birch, which I first photographed in 1999, when it had 5 branches. So I went on the web site, and nominated the tree. 

Today I had to meet up with a volunteer representative of "Cumbria's top 50 trees" In order to survey the tree. We measured it (girth and height), noted various features and I was photographed next to it (good job I wore wellies!)

I have no idea what happens next, but if the trees are voted for online at some point in the future, I will certainly be seeking many blipvotes to make this wonderful, spindly little tree top of the heap.

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