Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

See Ya Lake!

Corra zooming down the end of the dock and leaving our lake house. Boo! But it was fun :) Back to regular blips. I have back-blipped everything for vacation starting on August 18th if anyone missed it and was interested!

Packed up and cleaned up the house so we were out by the 11am checkout time. Mezzo is sooooo happy we are home. She is pretty much constantly meowing behind our bedroom door demanding pets. What a cutie >< She seems to be feeling great. She has had 0 accidents and 0 vomitting incidents since she arrived here (these were daily occurrences in her old home). Her new home is looking pretty solid, she'll be going to an awesome friend of ours living with his other cat as well. She feels lovely and slick now once I got her onto better food. What a nice kitty. I am going to miss her, but I know I'll get updates and pictures :)

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