

The Camera Doctor

My camera is 5 years old. It is now on its third life. I don't know if cameras are like cats, with 9 lives, but this one seems to be.
A few months ago, the image screen went totally blank and there was nothing I could do. The Sheepish Contraptioneer came to my rescue and took my camera apart and then replaced the screen. It worked long enough that I was able to take vacation pictures. It worked for a while after I got home, but then it just totally quit. I couldn't even get it to come on. I couldn't get the battery out at all. I thought it had somehow become welded into my camera!
So ~ the Contraptioneer to the rescue, again! He was able to pry the battery out of the camer and determine that it still worked with the AC adapter. He sent for another battery and he and his lovely wife, AnniesCottage, delivered my camera to me, alive once again. :)
S0 ~ this has been 2 visits to the camera doctor. It is on life #3.
Thank you, Dr. Contraptioneer!!! :)

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