This morning and .......
...... last night!
Yesterday was still a dodgy day for me , but glad to say I feel a tad better , will try and go out tomorrow! Hopefully my head will have settled enough for me to drive!
A had a hospital appointment today to check out the Pace Maker , he had been concerned for a couple of weeks, having had so much trouble to get dr's appointments/ satisfaction, finally I got him to ring the department in the hospital on Wednesday , can't fault them he was seen at 9.45am today. Altho' it was tricky getting there ie the traffic and the roads being icy, it was definitely needed as an adjustment had to be made, he now has a monitor to set up at home and will be checked right from base ( the hospital ) . I'm sure this will be more satisfactory .
I was meant to go to the hairdressers pm but still feel woozy in the head , so, another day indoors should help??
The snow is gradually melting and a little weak sun is showing its face.
Thankful ..... for hospital staff so diligent in their work.
So sorry for lack of comments folks but until today I haven't felt up to it , but hopefully I'm back???
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