Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Cook House

It didn’t feel so cold today although the grounds of the hotel were like glass. As a truly dedicated NHS manager I ruminated not so much about my own safety as on how many people would end up in A&E as a result of falls on the ice. Until, that is, I nearly fell over myself at which point I became suddenly and very personally health and safety aware. 

The place I was staying in last night was originally the ancestral home of Thomas Cook, he who invented the Victorian package holiday. Apparently he started off arranging transport for people who did not drink alcohol (temperance tours) but hit the big time by bussing people to the Great Exhibition of 1851. The grounds are rather lovely, high on a hill in Surrey. The snow made them magical. More pictures here.

We worked hard today. If you’ve ever done any personal and organisational development you will probably know about Myers Briggs and ways of improving your teamwork. This was very good as these things go. Definitely not Five Go On A Strategy Awayday. And there was bread pudding for lunch. 

But I’m glad to be home.

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