Might be...

.... the only snow day this winter, so Katie fully embraced it. She woke at 5.30 and immediately ran to the window exclaiming 'there's some white, there's some white, mama!' IT was a really quite pathetic covering, but it was definite proper snow. We were both out in it by 6.45. She built a tiny 6 inch snowman, threw snow, made snow angels, danced, jumped, stomped, crawled. She'd been desperate to crawl in the snow for a long time - she remembered doing it when she was in Foundation, crawling most of the way to school. We warmed up in Costa with a quick treat babyccino. 

We did some music practise before wrapping back up again for a steady walk to school. The snow had come down fairly heavily in a short, sharp burst whilst we had been inside so she had a great time playing in the street a few minutes before we set off and found every patch of snow on the way to jump, stomp and roll in. 

She had a good time at school today - she was pleased to go to orchestra with the Bb clarinet for the first time and has a new desk partner. She liked that the music was a bit more interesting than her Eb parts had been. She took an absolute age coming out of school though. Her teacher came to me and said "She was half in her snow trousers and I tried to say she didn't need it as the snow had gone, but she just looked at me so I left her to it". He'd clearly seen that look in her face of "this is what I plan to do". The year 2 teachers laughed a lot when she walked out in full arctic ski wear- the snow had entirely gone! 

We headed straight to ballet for her studio time. It was the first time she has danced them since the October festival. So even though she's danced incredibly hard since then, I was still rather surprised that they have gotten a lot better. The new ballet beginning that was a bit uncertain and timid, was confident and beautiful today. She did fantastically. 

I had some time at home after work today and spent a while working on my part of our duet. When we got in we had a bit of time on it. We now get through to the final five bars. And by the end of our time, we could play those 5 bars together, albeit rather slowly. We were both pretty proud of ourselves. And she was delightfully pleased for me, as it's my part that has taken some learning. I find it very sweet seeing her being proud of me. 

She is curled up in her mermaid blanket watching Cinderella despite it being 8pm and her having been up for 13 hours. 

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