Real or false

Off to Stirling today for several hours of discussion with our sister organisation about joint working on a mutual programme. Sounds easy but once you get into the detail over management, control, phasing, priorities and delivery; not so easy. You can begin to understand the Cyprus talks!!

At the end, to clear my head and get a possible blip, I took a short stroll near where we were visiting. From the windows of our meeting room we had spotted a deer: the phone could only capture it with its head turned round before it bounded off - see extra. Nothing deer like was visible but this view of the local school made me pause. We're the trees stencilled on to the building or not? Not was the answer, but it took a moment or two from the distance to work it out.

Part of the day was deciding whether to enter into a Twitter conversation. The President elect of the USA would have no such hesitation. But when the Tweet refers to the circumstances of an active case before a children's hearing, an immediate tweet in response did not seem appropriate. Certain criticisms has been implied but we could not know the full story or whether they were justified.

So common sense prevailed and action behind the scenes was taken instead It all just reinforced the view that use of social media requires respect.

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