Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Such a comedian my horse.

Treated him to a new rug as his other ones looking a little raggedy. Fingers crossed this one stays in one piece. I know it won't stay this clean!

Working all day. First walk had lots of youngsters on so was very hard work especially as one of the boys kept wanting to mount everything that moved. He even tried to hump me when I bent down to dry his legs off at the end of walk! Had a few conversations with the owner about maybe getting him sorted but nothing so far!

Clubbercise tonight then tried to watch a film and fell asleep.

Hannah had her first solo walk today. All seemed to go well. Fingers crossed in another week she'll be solo 5 days. Eva is really struggling being in childcare every day. Has become very clingy. And this is my last year at home with her before she goes to school.

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