She's a natural...

CC saw a video on FB of her friend climbing a while back and has asked me to take her climbing.  OK, I say....  :)

We went to the same gym as her friend this morning and had an hour long one on one introduction, while her friend took her class.

This is the end of the hour long session, starting with some easy horizontal traverses, then with the harness on the route to the left, then on to the big 17m wall... halfway up the first time to build some confidence, then up twice and always smiling... back to this wall to the route on the right a few times, and to cap it off here on the red route to stretch the arms and legs a little.  A bit of tension on the rope to make it all easy and up she went!!!  All smiles and jumping up and down with excitement.

We went to watch her friend compete this afternoon and that was difficult as she wanted to participate and not watch.  Still all smiles.  So, I guess we've figured out another Saturday activity.  :)

ps.... I'm guess 5 more years and we will be climbing Les Gaillands together in Chamonix!  (let's hope!)

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