Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Water Rail

A bit of a lie in after a restless night for both of us - too much coughing for sure. I so hope that it doesn't last 12 weeks - and for once, I will be very grateful that I am travelling each week for a while....

Hubby decided that all of his coughing would scare away the birds so I went to Penny Flash alone. It was a bit colder than I expected and the wind was bitter, so I sheltered in the hides for most of the time.

For the first time at Penny Flash, I saw the great spotted woodpecker - he was sharing it with some long tailed tits. The feeders were very busy today. On the way back to the car I popped in Pengy's hide and spotted a water rail. They don't come out much and I have never blipped one, so here it is :)
In extras, there are some more of today's sightings. Now I have found that I can use the extras, I might as well post some :)

Tomorrow is forecast to be a wash out all day so I am quite pleased to have got out today.

I will now spend the evening watching some catchup TV, keeping warm and enjoying reviewing your journals. If I don't get to yours today, I will continue tomorrow. Hope you've all had a great day.

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