'We are what we do.'

By Hasywell

We are going on a ...

... snow hunt - and we found some up on the moors at Princetown!

Three beautiful things:
A couple of hours playing in the snow with the boys and the dogs.  It was B's first experience of snow and we had a great snowball fight. I haven't laughed so much for ages.  Snowball fights, snowmen and both dogs dashing around and rolling in the snow.  It finished with the boys being bundled back in the car and a picnic at another spot on the moors whilst they warmed up and felt their toes again.

Making Banana Bread with L.  He loves cooking and getting involved.  It went perfectly with custard for dessert.  Tomorrow we will be making Jam Tarts!

The boys and I chilling on the sofa just as a families do and B snuggling up and saying 'loves you Heather.'  Once a month they come to stay and whilst we have our 'up and down' moments, these two little boys, who have a back story which would make you weep, truly make my heart sing and I love planning  adventures for my mini intrepid explorers!

One thing to be grateful for:

There was still enough snow on Dartmoor for us to play with.

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