
I'm just so tired! Writing this retrospectively- it's been a crazy week....

So today, Tuesday, I tried to be proactive rather than wallowing. I'm very disappointed about the house, I kind of feel I set myself up to fail. I guess it was always that way, as when you set your heart on one house, you are a bit limited. 

A calmer day at school, but another one spent fielding calls from estate agents. The guy that offered on my house actually upped his offer to full asking price :-0 And I'm likely going to turn it down.....He felt this is the house for him, and despite me making it clear I'm not desperate to move, and it's basically one house, I didn't expect to feel bad about it. If I had been able to get mine, he'd have been able to get his etc.

Anyways. I'm not giving up. I am going to have a chat with everybody tonight to decide what's best to do. One option is to sell while I've been offered full asking price, and move in with my parents. On the one hand it's tempting, as I could save so much, enough to have the funds to buy a fixer-upper. But it doesn't sit quite right with me, like having nowhere. And I worry about not getting back on the ladder.

Decisions, decisions. I'm thinking of becoming pay as you go at my gym, as I'm only going at the weekends. I'm so pathetically tired every evening, it's bath, snack, The View, and then bed! 

The only bright side of the craziness of this week, is that it's been a good distraction. It's Tim's birthday today :-(

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