Cottam Power Station

Apparently it's not been going well for the whole company, so we were called into the office to call customers with some very special offers - 10am till 2pm... Of course I sold none. Feeling philosophical- (1) there are reasons/ excuses why it's hard for me - the areas I cover, the lack of "good leads", no back customers, the telesales are my weaker area... (2) if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be - I am sure that eventually I need to run my own company my own way (or rather OUR way, with Victoria, who feels like I do about putting people first, integrity, etc.) - if I am successful at this, it would be harder to take the plunge and strike out on our own...
Likewise, Victoria has sent off her UCAS application hoping for a transfer to Lincoln Uni - but if that doesn't happen, it's for a reason.
Had a good chat with Majestic manager on the way home... and bought some nice wines while there (shhh!!).
Took V to work this evening and had a snooze and a cigar in the car (and some nice onion bhaji and tandoori prawns) while waiting for her, but she had an early finish and we had a nice time after that - just what the doctor ordered...

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