I went for a very long walk today... as it turned out, for almost four hours! One of these days, I will take notes in addition to photographs, as there were several interesting things I saw and heard as I made my way around the city.
A few that I can recall...
~ a man (possibly homeless) who opened the door for people entering and leaving a McDonald's on Market Street. He smiled with either pull of the door, and besides the dollar that I gave to him, I saw only one other person give him anything over the course of fifteen minutes or so. In fact, few of the people even thanked him.
~ a woman was selling hotdogs from her portable stand, also on Market Street. I was just about to take her photograph with my Rolleicord film camera when a security-ish person walked up and told her that she had to go elsewhere.
~ a handful of skateboarders were doing their hotdogging in fairly busy traffic along Market Street. There were a couple of guys with video cameras taking it all in, so, I assume some kind of viral-hopeful video is pending.
~as I was watching the skateboarders and wondering why they had chosen this place and time to be doing their thing, at least six people (most of whom were Asian, coincidentally) crossed the four-lane street only about fifty feet from the corner crosswalk. I found that rather odd. One of them was relying on a cane and was moving quite slowly... I was just astonished.
~ a couple of young lovers engaged in a rather passionate kiss up against the windows of a car dealership. This is something that I have seen rather frequently in Paris, but rarely in San Francisco.
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