Sailing By II

Home at 2 a.m. last night after dancing*.  At 08.30 this morning the Current Mrs Creel deployed her hat pin and I was oot of bed one minute later.  We had planned to go for a walk around Inganess but our three barometers indicated this would not be the best.  The three barometers all came through the window drookit but once fed and watered they settled in their usual places (Baz - airing cupboard, Bibs - kitchen chair, Harry - bed).  Yes the surfeit of Hoy Hills has transmogrified into an outbreak of feline irrationality.

In other news CMC has been having a red up.  She presented me with an old pay slip of mine - dated April 1968.  She burned it in the stove.

It started to clear early pm from the west so we went out into the bay.  We came quite close to the Hamnavoe as she glided into Stromness but CMC kept swimming gamely.

I will try and do better tomorrow.

*I manage to work a nifty pas de basque coupe into the Britannia Two Step.  The swelling has yet to come out.


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