Wupper Besties

These five wonderful women have been in my life for almost 5 years. We met in the worst of circumstances all because we are widows. We bonded from the start and there are others we see but these five have been fantastic supports and we try to meet regularly.
Today we met in Skipton and went for lunch. We all chose roast beef, it was awful, the meat was as tough as old boots and the roast potatoes like bullets. We had to ask for steak knives to cut our food. We did have desserts which were delicious, next time I think we will start with dessert but not go back to that place.
Lots of chat and laughter as usual, we all understand each other, it's a group where we can speak honestly.
A lovely walk along the canal as it wasn't raining and as usual I got the camera out much to their moans and groans. The extra shot with me in was got by putting the camera on a tied up ice cream barge!!! A little walk around the shops then coffee in the boathouse. A lovely day out with my wupper besties as Sheila named us as we met through an online group called Way Up.

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