
By Hayls

Miss Grumpy-Dumpy Dictator from the council

Despite feeling the effects of yesterday's family gathering, me, hubby, eldest and youngest made it over to Broadwood Stadium to cheer on our nephews in their footie matches this morning. Best not to mention the results.

Then on to Kirkintilloch for the Canal Festival. There was so much to see, so much going on, it was hard to choose a blip. In the end, I ditched the vintage cars, binned the funny looking stewards with toy cars on their epaulettes, threw aside the canal rescue service ferrying back a very wet looking young girl grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

Instead I've chosen to blip my boys in the 'Open for one day only!' council chambers, exercising their democratic right to freedom of speech. All it took was a little press of a button and taadaa! there they were on the big screen chatting away into microphones about this, that and the other. That was until, Miss Grumpy-Dumpy Dictator from the council told them to turn the microphones off. Personally I think we should have voted on it. We'd have wiped the floor with Miss Grumpy-Dumpy Dictator from the council! Some people are just no fun.

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